Mini Egg Chocolate Fluff Fridge Cake
I made this chocolate cake because we wanted to make a cake for Easter and use up some of my Easter eggs.
I saw the recipe in a magazine and I really wanted to try to make it because it looked pretty and it has mini-eggs in it which I love.
I changed the recipe a bit because they used white and dark chocolate, and I don't like dark chocolate and we didn't have any white chocolate. I also changed the name because my mum said the smooth icing on the top was fluffy and it made me laugh because she kept calling it chocolate fluff cake!
The cake tasted yummy and my mum's friends really liked it.
1 bag or 200g of chocolate mini eggs
1 and a half chocolate Easter eggs or 235g chocolate
1 mini bag or 25g chocolate chip cookies
200ml Double cream
Easter eggs broken into pieces and sugar stars to decorate
I saw the recipe in a magazine and I really wanted to try to make it because it looked pretty and it has mini-eggs in it which I love.
I changed the recipe a bit because they used white and dark chocolate, and I don't like dark chocolate and we didn't have any white chocolate. I also changed the name because my mum said the smooth icing on the top was fluffy and it made me laugh because she kept calling it chocolate fluff cake!
The cake tasted yummy and my mum's friends really liked it.
1 bag or 200g of chocolate mini eggs
1 and a half chocolate Easter eggs or 235g chocolate
1 mini bag or 25g chocolate chip cookies
200ml Double cream
Easter eggs broken into pieces and sugar stars to decorate
First put the mini eggs in a food bag and use a rolling pin to bash them up into small pieces. |
Then do the same with the chocolate chip cookies |
Then ask an adult to melt half an easter egg and then you can mix it into the mashed up eggs and cookies. |
Next you ask an adult to melt the rest of the chocolate and whip the double cream for you. Then combine the chocolate and the whipped cream together to make a nice chocolate icing. |
Spread the icing on top of the base |
Then you decorate your cake in whatever way you want.
I broke up some pieces of Easter egg and used some coloured sugar stars to decorate it.
Put it in the fridge for at least two hours to set.
Looks delicious :-D